Sunday, January 4, 2009

Resist Isolationism and Promote Global Cooperation

As the world cautiously but optimistically celebrates the New Year, Jehovah’s Witnesses and other doomsday Christian fundamentalist groups wring their hands with delight at the current state of things. The world faces a global economic recession (the U.S. facing its worst since the Great Depression), a rapidly changing climate, persistent conflict in Bosnia, Congo, Israel, Palestine, Sri Lanka, Sudan and Zimbabwe, devastating earthquakes, etcetera, etcetera, and etcetera. The worst things get, the happier Jehovah’s Witnesses are, since as Jesus prophesized in Matthew chapter 24, catastrophe’s mark the sign of the end of the world as we know it.

A minority religion globally, Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that their adherents (and not even all of those), somewhere between 6 and 7 million, will be the sole survivors at the conclusion of Armageddon, the battle between Jesus and Satan described in the odd and even horrifying final book of the Bible, the book of Revelation. In Jehovah’s Witness theology that would mean less than 9 percent of the worlds 7 billion population would survive, and Jehovah God in all his infinite love and wisdom would slaughter billions of people including innocent children.

Jehovah’s Witnesses have been preparing themselves for "the end" throughout its 130-year history (with its founding in Pennsylvania), with one failed predictions after another. The very basis of their theology is intrinsically tied to "Armageddon," and without that, there isn't much else to the religion. Worrisome for those of us who still have family members in the religion, Jehovah’s Witnesses are increasingly isolating themselves exemplified by recently revised congregational procedures.

First in 2008, the Watchtower Society who publishes the Watchtower and Awake! magazines began to publish two versions of the Watchtower, one for the public and one only for adherents. The Jehovah’s Witnesses-only version - described by the Watchtower Society as timely and important information for only those who are members - features articles used in their group study meetings.

Secondly, the Watchtower Society revised its five meetings/three times-a-week schedule to four meetings/two times-a-week and reduced their Sunday meetings form 2 hours to 1 ½ hours. Promoted by the Society as concern for rising gas prices and to allow members additional time to engage in personal and family Bible study and door-to-door evangelism, the change has signaled to many Jehovah’s Witnesses the beginning of the end. (The meeting time that was eliminated was the smaller study groups that met once a week in member homes however the study session was integrated within the other weeknight meeting). Although not officially stated by religious officials, chatter within congregations includes the possibility that government will soon turn against religion (again as prophesized in the book of Revelation), and the change in venue will prevent the authorities from targeting members homes. Further chatter includes how the "secret" members-only Watchtower will inform members when Armageddon arrives and how to navigate through global destruction.

Already, the Society is using guilt to ensure that members are using the extra evening to study Watchtower literature, instead of heaven-forbid, take a class, go to the gym. use the internet, or watch television with their families.

These changes are absurd but alarming as there are signs the group is becoming more socially and ideologically isolationist. Jesus and his message as found in the gospel accounts were never presented to a secret and privileged audience (with the exception of the Lords Evening Meal). Jesus welcomed everyone to hear his message and even confronted the Pharisees and others who he often criticized. Jehovah’s Witnesses who have a message intended or understood only by adherents is contrary to how Jesus operated his ministry.

Despite the fact that many of us former Jehovah’s Witnesses are cut off from our families, we need to find ways to watch over them to ensure that their social and mental isolation does not worsen and that they and their property are protected.

With the many global challenges facing us, we need to turn to pragmatic and transparent political and religious leaders and theologies who are working towards practical and long-term solutions to the worlds problems, not those who take advantage of fears while engaging in isolationism. Although humans are capable of shocking evil, we are also capable of wonderful good and as we begin the New Year, we need to look at ways to cooperate for a more equitable future, and not pursue or condone theology and ideology that promotes death and destruction.